The Conspiracy Wiki

US President John F. Kennedy

The Kennedy assassination conspiracy concerns the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States. It was determined to be a conspiracy by The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1979.


John F. Kennedy (May 29, 1917 - November 22, 1963) was the 35th President of the United States, serving from 1961 to his orchestrated assassination attempt in 1963. Notable events during his presidency include the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the beginning of the Space Race, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the African American Civil Rights Movement, and the early part of the Vietnam War.

The United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) in 1979 concluded that Kennedy was assassinated by a conspiracy. While agreeing with the Commission that Oswald fired shots at Kennedy and Governor Connally, they said that both the original FBI investigation and the Warren Commission Report were seriously flawed and that there was a "high probability" that two gunmen fired at the President.

Seven days before his assassination, Kennedy said, “There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman, and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.” This revelation is almost certainly the main reason why a high power like the Federal Reserve would intend to kill him.

The truth behind the murder of our 35th President is slowly vanishing into the powers of forces unknown for people are starting to believe the supporters of the Warren Report. And that the wikipedia is full of many lies. From the websites by these brave people who have searched for the truth, you will see that the truth is still out there. No crime in the history of the United States has been more misunderstood and misrepresented than the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. On these sites, you will learn about the legitimate facts related to this crime and discover that there really is a sane case for conspiracy.


The assassination occurred on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. President Kennedy was shot and killed while traveling in a motorcade with his wife Jacqueline, Texas governor John Connally, his wife Nellie and secret service agents Roy Kellerman and William Greer. This fatal shooting shocked America and the world. People everywhere were traumatized by the events, schools were even closed and sports events postponed. According to the official version, Lee Harvey Oswald was the one who committed the murder and acted alone. Oswald was also arrested for the murder of a police officer which happened on that same day, Oswald denied killing anyone saying he was just a patsy. Two days later, while being transferred to the county jail, Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby on television, Ruby was also said to have acted alone. Today, polls have shown that 80 percent of Americans have suspected that the assassination was a conspiracy.

On November 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald was working on the fifth floor of the Texas School Book Depository while two Opus Dei agents prepared to fire on President Kennedy with blanks. The one that Oswald knew as Dmitry Mykolvich hid behind the fence on the grassy knoll wearing a policeman's uniform. The other was aiming from the sixth floor of the book depository. And, another one waited in a station wagon, idling in the car park behind the grassy knoll. At 12:30 pm, the two agents fired on President Kennedy, the two blanks hitting Kennedy in the head. Kennedy was rushed to Parkland Hospital, were he was falsely pronounced dead and ushered out the rear in the station wagon by the three agents and a fourth working undercover in the hospital.

Oswald, having seen what just happened and fearing he might be prosecuted due to the General Walker fiasco, exited the Depository, walked home to grab a jacket, and then walked to the Texas Theatre where he was apprehended by police.

Meanwhile, the station wagon carrying Kennedy was stopped by Officer J.D. Tippit, who was briefly shot and killed, to Kennedy's horror. The agents then drove Kennedy to Corpus Christi, where they boarded a boat which sailed 80 miles from shore and then stopped.

Events prior[]

Until 1959, John F. Kennedy was a cooperator of the Opus Dei, which he took for a diocese of the Catholic Church looking for independence. Sometime in the summer of 1959, during a conversation with John D. McArthur, who also funded the Opus Dei, he was informed that the Dei was recieving 'rewards' for 'humanitarian efforts' from banks such as Goldman Sachs and Chase Manhattan. Alas, Senator Kennedy could tell that something wasn't right. A European Catholic organization funded by bulge bracket banks? The pieces didn't fit together. So, through McArthur and an inner circle of Boston Catholic preachers, Kennedy uncovered business records of the Dei spanning from the late 1930s to the present (1958). Kennedy was, to put softly, appalled at what he saw.

From 1940 to 1955, over 115 million in cash had been withdrew from Goldman Sachs to the account of one 'Prelature of God's Work' of Rome. The money, instead of being present in the group's account, was in fact a charitable transaction off of the company's own payroll. In response, 'Prelature of God's Work' licked 90 million of its own roll, despite having no account or documented relations with Goldman Sachs.

That was it. From February 1959 onward, John F. Kennedy no longer wanted any part of the Opus Dei's corruptness and infidelity, having put the pieces together.

Wall Street banks (and perhaps others around America or the globe) were paying the Opus Dei because 1) to paint a good picture and 2) because banks like Goldman Sachs, Chase Manhattan, JP Morgan and even AIG were promised.....what? That was the big question. Political power? Political immortality? It would haunt Kennedy for the rest of his life.

However, the Dei had learned this from a mole in the Boston Catholic church, and began plotting to kill Kennedy after years of deliberation. They inserted another mole, posing as a pro-Castro Russian diplomat, into Dallas, Texas, meeting with future spacegoat Lee Harvey Oswald in Novemeber 1962. Identifing himself as 'Dmitry Mykolvich', he struck up a soon-to-be-brief relationship with Oswald, even taking pictures of Oswald holding Mykolvich's Carcano rifle and Smith and Wesson revolver (which were both mail-ordered under the alias of 'Alek J. Hidell'). Mykolvich let him keep the rifle and revolver for a 'short time', citing that he use it for 'protection against fascists' jokingly. Mykolvich also gave him a fabricated ID reading 'Alek J. Hidell', in case of 'traveling purposes'

After several months, Mykolvich disappeared after spending the night of April 10, 1963 at the bar on Mykolvich's insistence.

On the night of April 10, General Edwin Walker was shot at with Mykolvich's Carcano, registered to a Lee Harvey Oswald. Having no memory of the previous night's events due to the drinking, he admitted, half-heartedly, that he attempted to kill General Walker to avoid further pressuring. However, insufficient evidence landed Oswald out of the police's eye....for a while.


Lee Harvey Oswald was, in short, incarcerated. However, fearing that he might speak, the Dei coerced Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, into shooting and killing Oswald (he had been recommended by Sam and Joe Campisi) for a handsome sum of 2 million which the Dei kept as part of their personal account to alleviate any suspicion. When Jack Ruby died in 1967, the Dei claimed what was left of the 2 million that they had rewarded him with.

For 2 weeks, John Kennedy was held captive by agents of the Opus Dei, administered electric torture via a cattle prod and waterboarded while naked and bound by handcuffs. He was not fed or watered, and barely slept any of those nights.

Finally, on December 9, 1963, Kennedy managed to escape his captors, incapacitating three with the cattle prod and knocking the fourth unconscious. Kennedy then dressed himself and jumped into the water, swimming to shore.

Evidence for Conspiracy[]

  • A telex was sent to all of the FBI offices around the United States a week before the assassination warning of a possible attempt on the President's life by a militant revolutionary group when he arrived in Dallas. After the assassination, the Bureau instructed all the offices to remove the telex, as an "embarrassment" to the bureau.
  • Someone told Colonel Reich of the 112th Military Intelligence Group at Fort Sam Houston to have the protection for the President to stand down that day.
  • There is strong proof that that Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby knew each other prior to the assassination.
  • The evidence shows that Oswald did NOT kill President Kennedy and wound Texas Governor John B. Connally, that he did NOT kill Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit, and that he did NOT attempt to kill General Edwin A. Walker in April of 1963.
  • The pictures of Oswald holding the rifle are clearly faked.
  • Witness reported hearing gunfire coming from two locations.
  • There is proof that there was more then three shots fired - witnesses and even acoustical evidence prove at least four shots.
  • Fifty-one Witnesses said a shot came from the grassy knoll.
  • The Zapruder film shows Kennedy's head going backwards and to the left, showing the shot came from the grassy knoll.
  • An eyewitness said she saw two men in the Texas School Book Depository window, one in a kneeling position with a gun pointed down, and another man standing beside him.
  • Lee Bowers, a watchman watching from a rail yard tower saw two strange men behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll - one dressed in a policeman's uniform.
  • Photo enhancements of the Moorman photograph show clearly a man next to the grassy knoll dressed in a policeman's uniform.
  • When witnesses searched the grassy knoll for a shooter, they encountered men identifying themselves as Secret Service agents all throughout Dealey Plaza - however, the Secret Service had no agents on the ground in Dealey Plaza at any time.
  • Three men known as the "tramps" were discovered in a boxcar in the rail yard west of the grassy knoll, they were well-dressed and clean-shaven, making them unlikely to be hobos. the Dallas police quickly released the tramps from custody without investigating them and records of their arrests as well as their mugshots, fingerprints and names have never been shown.
  • Rose Cherami was a drug addict and prostitute that worked for Ruby as a stripper. She was picked up on Highway 190 near Eunice, Louisiana, on November 20, 1963—two days before the Kennedy assassination—by Lt. Francis Frugé of the Louisiana State Police. Cherami told Frugé that John F. Kennedy would shortly be killed. Fruge did not believe her at first, but after some time of adamant speaking by Cherami, he came around. During her confinement, and prior to the time Kennedy was shot in Dallas, Cherami supposedly spoke of the impending assassination. After Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, Cherami reportedly claimed that she knew both Ruby and Oswald, and that the two men knew each other for years. Cherami declined to repeat her story to the FBI when she was killed when struck by a car on September 4, 1965, apparently while hitchhiking, near Gladewater, Texas.
  • There are serious questions regarding the evidence in the case and its handling, first by the Dallas Police and later by the FBI.
  • One of the most outrageous things about the case is that the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, had pronounced Oswald guilty of the crimes before he and his agency looked at the evidence.
  • Oswald was killed just one hour before he was due to appear at his first full press conference.
  • The Warren Commission only presumed Oswald was guilty.
  • In 1966, author and attorney Mark Lane interviewed witnesses to the assassination who had not been called to testify before the Warren Commission. In those interviews, the witnesses described to Lane what they saw and told him that they told the exact same thing to the authorities who questioned them immediately after the assassination. But the FBI record, told in reports and Warren Commission Exhibits and documents, tell a different story, one in which the witnesses never saw anything.
  • Many witnesses or people who have had knowledge of the case, have died mysteriously.
  • News reports around the globe reported that Oswald had killed Kennedy and had background histories of this essentially unknown man in some cases hours before he was even charged with the crime of killing the President.
  • Recently, a rash of "Oswald did it alone" documentaries have been produced by the the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, HBO and other cable TV conglomerates whose parent companies have had historical ties to the CIA. In their attempts to rewrite history, they have completely ignored the evidence of conspiracy.

Warren Commission[]

  • Ignored witnesses who heard more than three shots.
  • Ignored witnesses who saw a shot and puff of smoke coming from the grassy knoll.
  • Ignored evidence that Oswald did not know the motorcade route and drew suspicion on his visit to the Paine residence on November 21st.
  • Wrongly discredited the reliable and consistent testimony of the only two people who saw the package Oswald carried to work that morning because their description showed that the package did not contained the Depository rifle.
  • Concluded that Oswald made the package to hide the rifle, citing no evidence to support that conclusion.
  • Concluded the package did carry the rifle although its own expert said that it never did.
  • Ignored three witnesses who saw Oswald on the first floor between 11:55am and 12:30 pm .
  • Misrepresented evidence relevant to Oswald's rifle capability and practice.
  • Ignored clothing descriptions that indicated that Oswald was not the shooter.
  • Both rejected and accepted the identification of Oswald as the gunman in the window from a man who admittedly lied to police, who constantly contradicted himself and who described physically impossible events.
  • Misrepresented the response time of Officer Marrion Baker and TSBD boss Roy
    Truly's ascent to the second floor lunchroom where they encountered Oswald
    by lengthening their time and likewise misrepresented the time required for
    a 6th floor gunman to descend to the lunchroom by shortening it.
  • Misrepresented that the police lineups were conducted fairly in spite of the
    evidence to the contrary.
  • Suppressed from its Report that witness statements had been falsified.
  • Accepted the testimony of a cab driver whose description of Oswald as his
    passenger had Oswald wearing both of his jackets at the same time.

