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6751 Snapshot-0

Memorandum 6751 identifies a supernormal presence of intelligent control on Earth.


Memorandum 6751 is dated 8 July 1947, and was declassified and released to the public by the US in 2011. The memorandum, produced in San Diego, California, acknowledges the existence of a supernormal presence.[1]

Former FBI officer John DeSouza, author of The Extra-Dimensionals: True Tales and Concepts of Alien Visitors, referred to 6751 as a “disclosure memorandum”.

On November 30, 2010, under Executive Order 13526,[2] the US disclosed various UFO files onto the online file depository: FBI Records: The Vault, Unexplained Phenomenon, which includes Memorandum 6751. The memorandum can be viewed online at the FBI Records Vault, under UFO Part 1 of 16, p. 22.


  1. FBI Records Vault, UFO Part 1 of 16, p. 22, Memorandum 6751
  2. Promoting Openness and Accountability by Making Classification a Two-Way Street, by William H. Leary, Special Adviser to the National Security Advisor and Senior Director for Records and Access Management, National Security Staff, 29 December 2009

